Moviplast SRL receives 1st Place in the category of Packaging at the 2021 Go Global Awards.

2021-10-25T08:36:39+00:0025 October 2021|Media|

Moviplast SRL was announced as 1st Place in the category of Packaging on the 14th October 2021, at the International Trade Council's Annual Go Global Awards Ceremony. This years awards were presented by the Go Global Judging Panel consisting of: • Dr. Abdallah Nassereddine, Economic [...]

How to build a business starting from nothing, in 1993 – an interview with Vigil fira, the managing director of Moviplast

2020-02-28T13:19:47+00:008 October 2018|Media|

Established in 1993, Moviplast has quickly reached the top of polyethylene packaging producers from Romania. The rise of the company was determined by the constant concern for the renewal of manufacturing technologies and the realization of high quality products.In many ways, the 1990s were favourable [...]

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